
Hunger on Campus

Food insecurity – the lack of reliable access to sufficient quantities of affordable, nutritious food – is common at colleges and universities across the country, potentially undermining the educational success of untold thousands of students.

Rutgers PIRG registers 800 voters for 2016 election

The Rutgers Daily Targum published this story about the NJPIRG voter registration drive at Rutgers University. NJPIRG helped register more than 800 students to vote in the first four days of their drive.


Read the full story here:

Students Turn Out for Debate Watching Parties

PIRG chapters across the country organized debate watching parties so that students could watch and discuss the debates together.

The local news interviewed Maryland PIRG student leaders about their debate watching party at the University of Maryland.


The local paper covered MASSPIRG’s debate watching party at Salem State University.


A New Cost at College: Digital Access Codes

DIGITAL books and study tools don’t weigh down backpacks as heavy textbooks do. But fees for the codes to get them may be a financial burden for some college students, a new report found.


The growth of cost-saving alternatives like used textbooks and free, openly-licensed educational resources have forced publishers to reassess their business and shift toward a new model: access codes.