Article Type: Press Release

In fight for more affordable education, look to core classes

WASHINGTON, DC- Earlier today, the Student PIRGs released a new report investigating high textbook prices for common courses at schools across the country. Entitled Open 101: an Action Plan for Affordable Textbooks, the report contains recommendations that, if enacted, could save students billions of dollars.

Boston University Commits to 100% Renewable Electricity

Boston, MA – Massachusetts’ largest university took a big step towards leading the country on climate action by committing to purchase 100 percent of its electricity from renewable sources like solar and wind by end of 2018.

Student Group Announces Big Numbers Heading into Election Day

After months of major field organizing efforts in over 14 states, volunteers and staff for the Student PIRGs have helped to register more than 40,000 young people to vote and made over 200,000 Get-Out-The-Vote contacts to college students around the country.